0-12 Months Old
Baby—Starter Pack
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0-12 Months Old
Baby—Starter Pack
Get set up for a smooth (as possible) first few years of childhood by building from a foundation of routine and predictability. Designed to capture the day-to-day activities of babies (before toddlerhood and all that comes with it) and grow with children over time.
Make the most of the first moments of childhood.

Sets the stage for routine and learning
From their earliest moments babies look to us for cues about what comes next. Routine and repetition help create comfort and calm as babies adjust to their new world.

Inspires and amplifies language development
By connecting baby-friendly illustrations to verbal language, the Springboard helps the littlest family members understand spoken words and eventually communicate with words of their own.

Fosters connection and communication
As a visual tool that both children and caretakers can reference and engage with together, the Springboard helps with communication and relationship building from day one.